CMES Photo Album!

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We've added this new feature to the CMES PTA web site! It's a fun way to share a "kodak" moment with your CMES family and friends!  Maybe it's a shot of your child covered in snow from the Blizzard of 2010, or smiling from ear to ear after receiving his/her Character Counts award, or how about the one where she's jumping for joy after shooting the winning basket!

All interested contributors should send photos to Jodye Roebuck at  You may include a name and brief description about the photo, which will be included as a caption. Photos will be posted for a month and will be changed out for new photos the following month---so visit often!!!

µPLEASE NOTE: ONLY photos submitted by parents/guardians may be posted on the CMES PTA website. 

8/19/2010 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at CMES

4th Graders Matthew Ciazza and Madison Santizo help Principal Cuppett